Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Losing Track

There are some days I wake up and if someone asked me what day it is of the week I would be hard pressed to say. Don't even think about quizzing me on the actual date. We work from home and are lucky enough to set our own schedules. There isn't the same urgency about weekends that happen when you work 9 to 5. Tuesday can feel like Friday, Friday like a Monday. So it was yesterday morning when it dawned bright and clear. What I knew yesterday is I had a brand new (to me) horse trailer and 5 horses that had not seen the inside of a trailer for quite a long while.  The time to get a horse comfortable about hopping in is not when there is an emergency. It's when you have a chunk of time and no time table.
We had a lot of fun yesterday, a few surprises. My hates- the -trailer horse got right in and my 5 year old, who is usually quite reasonable, is going to need some slow remedial work.
Dandy and Boo both practically dragged me in to get to the hay in the hay net and wanted to stay. In any event I was out there for 3 hours in the cold and sunshine when a light bulb went off in my head. Horse in hand I realized that 1) It was Tuesday. 2) It was guild meeting Tuesday and finally 3) I had missed a great presentation on weaving with new fibers. I had lost track of the days...again. I am sometimes surprised when my farrier shows up. "Wow, Gene, look Morgans out there. I guess it's trim day!" By that point I'm grabbing my coat and gloves and making for the paddock to catch someone to start on.
I didn't even pick up a weaving shuttle yesterday I am sad to say, opting instead for my own hair shirt of punishment to clean out a closet that was bursting at the frame.
I'm on track today's Wednesday, I'm sure of it and my escorts Juno and Buzz are waiting patiently on the front porch to accompany me to the barn.

1 comment:

Life Looms Large said...

OK, you missed a meeting and did penance by cleaning a closet.....

Doesn't that mean it's time to buy some of those new fibers and give it a try???

Yarn Enabler