Having eight dogs offers up many challenges but none so fickle as the reshuffling of pack order. A dog passes on or a dog joins the pack, there is always a resettling. It can take up to a few months. So it was Sunday night when a simple discussion turned into an all out brawl between young (Robin), and old (Jack), guard. The danger of course is the rest of the pack joining in. It helps to have a very loud voice in that regard. The two combatants were left alone even though there was energy churning from multiple members. Within minutes, wounds were inspected and cleaned: warm water, betadine solution and finally packed with Neosporin ointment. Oh and lets chuck some Clavamox down too boys.
Don't panic, that's Neosporin packed into that puncture. |
So far the wounds are looking clean and starting to heal. We have additional strips of Clavamox and the boys have each inspected the others puncture and walked away feeling they were the victor. Happy to be at peace with each other as if nothing happened. Weaving friend Martha at
Thistle Rose
tells me her husband says chicks dig guys with scars. I have passed that onto Robin who will likely wear the mark of Jack for the rest of his days. He's proud of it too!
Late last week and over the weekend the air cleared for bit. Of course the fronts that moved the smoke out also brought multiple thunder/lightening storms and THAT started multiple fires up here. They did come with rain and ODF and the GSFR where right on them once smokes were spotted. I got my old friend Cooper out for a ride around the clear cut devastation next to us. It was awful. Beautiful day and not a squirrel, deer or bird to be seen or heard in the non forest.
There are multiple slash piles like this and are two to three stories high. We are hoping the logger who bought this property and clear cut it will be back come wetter weather and take care of these. Talk about a fire hazard!
I need to mention that Coop, after being a pasture pet for something like 10.5 months was a saddle and go ride. No drama, no fuss, just the same sensible boy he's always been. Even with the altered landscape we walked along as if he had been out daily. One in a million. Thank you Bridget.
A little sewing has gone on, another tunic using the Mississippi Ave pattern with the added sleeves.
Two pairs of linen pants have made it into the closet also, no pics, just pants. I did cut out a fall jacket. The collar is a lovely piece of leather in a deep coral color, the linen a deep grey blue color and the lining is fun and bright.
I want to do a new winter wool coat this year too.
And I took advantage of Labour Day sales on Etsy and ordered these two fabrics.
Obviously my love affair with grey continues.
Mandy was a bit overweight and certainly had no muscle tone when she arrived. One thing that can be done to guard against future injury for that long back is exercise to keep those muscles strong and supple. To that end we have been taking a walk daily. This was the latest group of road warriors.
It was chilly that morning and she loved having her little sweater to wear. I wanted to include a real
link for Warm Weenies because I know there are a lot of sweater wearing weenies who would like one and Susan is a gem to work with
Last night I finished up plying my "Fairie Dust" fiber.
Look how close I came to spinning it cleanly half and half!
I also finally finished winding the 800 end hemp bath towel warp. What was I thinking doing 10 yards on the warping board? Head slap.
I'm skipping the politics right now because really, there are so many folks in need right now. While Florida is a mess there is also a crisis on the islands in the Caribbean. This article
here has a couple of places that will get donations out there quickly.
Parting shot: Does this leash make my butt look big?