When I wander out from Rain Wilds the only other book on the end table is "A Rage for Order: The Middle East in Turmoil, from Tahrir to Isis" by Robert Worth. A very readable book
for those who, like me, want and need a better understanding of the Middle East and the Arab world.
This is not a dull dry tome of a book, so don't be afraid of the heavy subject matter.
A little activity up in the sewing salon. A simple tee done in the fun hedgehog fabric, complete with bright orange inseam pockets.

The last two of the Kiota sleeveless tops have been completed. A light teal blue one and a bright orange linen one.

I'm getting low on my cut patterns. I think I just have a pair of pants waiting to be put together. This weekend I'll likely pull patterns and fabrics and go to town on the cutting table. Fall is in the air and I want some tunics with collars.
Some progress in the weaving studio. The towel warp is being threaded in drips and drabs.

I've moved onto my Slytherin towel on the Louet Spring. She really needs a name you know.

I may throw another green in there to spruce it up. Hmm, that might be a very bad pun.
The peach canning has finished up (maybe) with a nice batch of Peach-Jalapeno Jam. I think it's my very favorite so far.

Of course pears are on the horizon and then some apple recipes. I would love to do up some of those spiced apple rings.
Out in our little wild place, we are down to one visiting turkey. I have no idea if the flock has dispersed or been predated. Last week a grey fox was found dead in our driveway. A young looking male, he was thin but his coat was in nice shape, no signs of injury, vomit or diarrhea. Visual inspection only. I was able to scoop him onto a shovel and took him off the driveway and into the woods. Two days later he had been carried off. Needless to say we are keeping an even closer eye on our local wildlife.
Parting shot: Jack, lulled by the steady beat of weaving.