It was a nice morning spent learning the steps and getting to know my electric canner.
It worked wonderfully!

I'm happy with the purchase although from what Michelle and Cindie say, I could have gotten away with a big enameled pot too. The sustained boil the electric model gives me is reassuring and of course, being at about 4300 above sea level means I have to hold that boil 10 minutes longer for everything.
The warp for the Pup was completed
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Second of two warp chains-exactly half. |

And speaking of green and white, painting resumed on the house. I just got sick of having all my funky weird artwork tucked in closets waiting for me to finish the painting Gene started last winter.

Talk about a** dragging. Saturday and Sunday I picked up, did a little gardening and then Monday started in. The kitchen got a fresh coat of white, cream really, soft and with a hint of yellow.

The same color the family room got and weaving studio. You really see the wood stove now against the cream paint.

I still have a bit of accent stuff to do and some trim should be freshened up but the big horrible thousand ladder steps part is done. The studio is still in disarray

but pics coming next round.
This little duo was completed over the weekend.

Both of these are extremely fast makes. The binding on the top takes the longest and making and setting pockets on the linen pants eats up a bit of time but both of these were completed in a couple of hours each.
The Evening Grosbeaks have again taken over the feeder world. Fledglings are every where.

They will land on you, walk across your feet, cheep at you for food and in general, are barn cat bait. I chase her away from around the house with the hose when I see her for right now. She is a lean, mean hunting machine. I have had squirrel, wood rat, moles and many mouse parts left for me in choice spots in the barn.
The garden grows.

We are enjoying our overcrowded raised bed veggie experiment, so much so, we may add another smaller one.

Takilma Gold has certainly been a star in the garden.

The Shasta Daisies are about to bloom and the bright yellows and whites will rule the garden together for bit. The rest of it all looks pretty good although the bee balm hasn't come back like I was hoping.

It's all improving with the recent, more summer like heat. The nights are heavenly for sleeping though, going from the mid 80's to mid 50's.
This weekend will see a bit of rest. I may can again if I find something nice at the growers market. I am inspired by Marisa McClellan's "Preserving by the Pint" which has many interesting recipes for small batch canning, and that works for us perfectly! I'm not looking to put up a years worth of anything, but love the variety of a little of this and a little of that. I can hardly wait for pear season....
Parting shots: Could be dead.........

Or not!