There are some jobs that justify serious butt dragging. I am sure it varies from person to person. Stacking the dishes in the dishwasher for me is one, the other is adding heddles onto any of the looms. I have two perfectly wonderful warps waiting to go on the Spring (Sheila) and the David (Zeva) and both require I beef up the front shafts with more heddles. The David is almost done,
just need to free the last batch from their twist tie bondage and cut the top loops.
Sheila is another matter. Now my Dad was pretty darn neat with his stuff, so the jumble of untied heddles is an anomaly. I made a jig and am slowly stacking them in groups of about 25 and getting them ready for the trip to the loom. The Spring is a true PITA to add heddles too, so there will probably be another week of pissing and moaning about. I don't do that often but when I do, I try to give it my all!
Weaving on Buttercup has progressed to these kind of pretty and sort of Christmas-y placemats.
The set of 4 will have two red and cream and two of the light green and cream I started with.
Then it's on to other colors, maybe more than two in one mat. See what strikes me when I get there.
A small easy little treadle gate was installed.
Basically a cut piece of iron rod, pounded into a hole we made like a dowel and for protection of the side of the treadles, a spool of cotton rug warp. Interchangeable of course. ;-)
A very cute Teddy Tunic was made up of some light canvas fabric I've had in stash for at least 3 years. I didn't know what to do with it and I'm so glad I held onto it for this top. There are hidden side pockets so it makes it all that more wearable.
I wore it to the spring garden event at the fair grounds last Saturday and received at least 4 walk up compliments on it to. Who knew a circus print could be so compelling?
Also another pair of the Trio Pants (Sewing Workshop), made it out and I'm hoping I can shrink them. I've lost just about 20lbs and need to go down another size. I have been using my little all manual Pfaff. It's such a workhorse it deserved a little sewing time.
I have also been organizing loom parts and such into project bags. At least I can accomplish something while procrastinating on other things.
Labeled and ready to grab as needed. I need a few more bags for the different looms.....
It's time for a Mom update. She is finishing her last round of chemo today. That's it. There is no more that can be done. They have arrested it's spread for the moment but this is incurable and terminal. I'm hoping she has a good number of comfortable months ahead, but it can just as easily take off. There is likely going to be brain involvement when it does step up again, assuming it follows a typical pattern spread. The oncologist is preparing her for it. There will be lots of scans coming up in the next few weeks.
Friend Cindie and I will be meeting up this week for our annual spin around the Grants Pass quilt show. I'm looking forward to it!
Maybe I should have
listened to this song and I would have been weaving by now. BTW, this was my teenage favorite band, I saw them a number of times and I still love them. Any hearing loss I experience today can likely be blamed on them and The Who.
Parting shot: Fort Pillow.
Who goes there? |