Friend Sandi thinks it might be a pesky raccoon, but they are messy killers, never dragging their prey and it is unlikely Buzz was killed by one far from the barn. I'm more of mind that it was a coyote or a bobcat. In any case, we are transitioning Juno into night time house living. Her food, water and litter box are in the basement. I will transition her upstairs over the next few days. Come early spring we will look for another pair of barn cats since they are the best alternative for rodent control and poison is not an option around this farm. I have contacted a local organization that helps to spay and neuter feral cats and they will be on the lookout for a bonded pair that might work here. Buzz came from just such a situation 6 or 7 years ago, Juno shortly after. They were both young kitties, about 6-8 months old and bonded beautifully together. In the meantime, the barn will survive catless for a couple of months. I miss Buzz terribly. He was my escort to the barn every day, morning and night, purring as we walked along, looking forward to getting his meal. Some mornings he would even let me pick him up and carry him the short distance to the tack room. I often wonder if the lighter colored cats are at a disadvantage since they are more visible at night.
In other less gloomy news, the creative process has chugged along. A nice little warp was wound for the Gem, bright white with a few colored stripes that hopefully will translate into some pretty twill towels and a summer runner.
The colors are bright orange, bright deep yellow and a dark raisin color for the pinstripe.
A titch of weaving has happened on the Murphy.
I am loving the deep orange and turquoise and it makes the weaving fun to use these bright colors.
And the need for bright spring like colors has carried over into the sewing salon. I broke into one of the newer Merchant and Mills patterns to arrive. Top 64, sounds Bondish doesn't it?
Anyway, I've been looking for a simple raglan sleeve pull over for a little while.

I can do a lot with this boxy t shirt type pattern. The fabric is a printed canvas, a bit on the heavy side that has been in stash since last late spring I think.

Very few alterations to this M&M pattern. I ditched the facing and did a self fabric binding for the neck ( and lowered the neck slightly) and graded the hip area out a little since I prefer a bit more flare for hip fluff. Oh and the sleeves are made for someone who's knuckles might scrape the ground. I cut a good 5 inches off in length. The pockets are cute and interesting but next round, I'll add some depth to them and the deepen the lower band overall.
This little corduroy number was completed also.

I made a bright magenta and grey one in the early fall and a week doesn't go by that it isn't being worn. These baby wale prints are so soft and cozy and wear like iron too. On Sunday, besides winding the new warp I did a lot of cutting out. Some new fabrics and patterns, some old.
It will be nice this weekend to watch the Super Bowl with my folks! A bonus that the Patriots are in it. Deflate-gate be damned! ;)
Parting shot: