The weather is nothing if not fickle. On my arrival in MA it was beautiful, clear, breezy and a bit chilly. An almost perfect spring. The last week went downhill into typical trip weather though, rainy, cool, humid and just plain old yucky. Even that was okay, the moisture much needed around the area. The trip itself was wonderful. Lots of things to do, an attic to be tackled, a closet or two to be cleaned and organized, a quilt top made, shopping, lunching with the ladies and many many great dinners. Not to mention a fair amount of good reads to share. Oh and Bruins hockey! There are things on the list we never even got to. Next year! I received another beauty of a camera, this one does panorama pics of which I have one on it of Beverly harbor. I need to download it and make sure it all talks nice with my computer. More on that later.
Meanwhile, at home the weather seemed to mirror New England, dry days, some even getting into early summer weather with highs up close to 80F. They were going to call fire season early, 5/1, then 5/15 then the crappy weather rolled in. Three inches of snow fell, each day had some rain in it I was told and Sunday and Monday this week it poured. We drank up the moisture too. The forest needed it.
Yesterday the ground still a bit moist, blue skies opening up among big puffy clouds, enough bluster in the breeze to make the trees sing and dance I got my first official ride in on Cooper. We're old hands at spring rides and good thing because this one had some excitement. The wind always picks a horse up, even my steady Coop, the cool temps, the green grass and the fresh scenery. We flushed a group of 4 deer at close range and then a coyote. They are here, we hear them, we occasionally see them, but not often at just 10 feet distance appearing like a fur clad apparition. So deserving of the name Trickster!
Cooper must have smelled her long before his human. He was interested and alert but never thought of spooking, in fact we had great fun trailing behind. She was small, and while still in mid shed, healthy looking. When she started to really get upset at us following, we quit and wandered back onto the nearest trail, leaving her to circle around if she had a den we had driven her from.
The dogs are just beginning to unvelcro themselves from me after my long absence. Routines are beginning to fall back into place. The list of stuff that needs to get done gets longer daily just like the daylight. It's good to be home, it's good to be busy and it's good to be back on the blog. You'll forgive me my almost pictureless blog this time around I hope. I'll make it up on the next posting.
Parting shot: I'm keeping my eyes on you....
Wet Dog Wednesday
1 day ago