Did Betsy DeVos just use the old Grizzly Bear defense in a guns in school debate?
Did Tom Price buy not one or two but over 6 medical company stocks and then submit laws specifically aimed at improving their value?
Did Rick Perry really think he was going to be an ambassador for the oil and gas industry instead of maintaining our nuclear arsenal?
Just how many lawsuits has Scott Pruitt brought against the EPA, an agency he is being nominated to run?
Yes, all this just happened and more. It's downright frightening at the scope of ignorance the new cabinet is going to have and the power. Not to mention the delegitimizing of our free press and the crown jewel of our safety net, our intelligence services. I have to say I think the latter two are a well planned ploy so that when the president elect is found to have been in collusion with Russia he can say it is all a lie. That is, of course, assuming any information gets to us. I wonder if dissidents will be thrown in jail? Do we have a Siberia or will we just send them to the gulags in Russia? USSA? Health care will be a thing of the past, as will SS and Medicare and Medicaid. It's all in jeopardy. Oh yes, we'll have access, but that doesn't mean affordable access does it? Breathe deep folks, this may be the last time in the next four years that you feel safe. A man of dignity and ethics is leaving us to ourselves with the new president elect. It is up to us to safe guard democracy because it looks like the new administration can't be bothered with that pesky little detail. The congress is too busy gleefully dismantling any program that helps the poor, women, children, minorities and the disabled. Mitch McConnell is wearing hypocrisy like a well tailored suit and Paul Ryan is pumping up his racist talking points on black men like so many bullets. So, so many bullets.
Yes, this is all just happening. None of this is normal. None of it and tomorrow, the nuclear codes will be handed off to the most unqualified president in history. We're all in this together and no matter what your persuasion it is all our jobs to defend our freedoms for each and every one of us, press included, press especially. Remember that. Peace.
Arthroscopic knee “repair”
1 day ago
I hear you Theresa....it sounds like we share nightmares.
Very scaaaary!.......
I keep thinking SOMEthing is going to cause this nightmare to stop; the circus can't continue!
I read the news every morning, hoping today will be the day they find a reason to overturn the "election". But all one skinny little old lady can do I have done: I made my pink pussy hat and intend to wear it until he's gone one way or another.
I can't go to Washington, but on Saturday I'm joining with others in the local sister march.
As Obama said in his farewell address, HE didn't make the change, WE did - collectively - and WE need to continue to make our voices heard, use our dollars to support agencies/concerns we believe in, treat our neighbors, including those who don't share our ideas, with kindness, and otherwise do whatever we can to make the coming months and years something less than a nightmare. Some would say we should be grateful for this opportunity to shake people up, to make us realize what a pit we're in, to mobilize us to take action. Although I appreciate that sentiment I can't go that far myself. But I am committed to taking REGULAR action.
Well said, Theresa. Such a helpless, hopeless feeling right now. I'll be marching in Bellingham WA.
I totally agree - we are heading into scary times and who is going to save us as a whole. I wonder if those that chose not to vote are complaining now.....I wonder if some of those that voted to elect 'him' are sorry.
I am considering knitting my hat today and joining the march over your way on Saturday.
I agree with all of the above + made my hat & sent it off to a walker in D.C. I've upped my knowledge of whom to write & will continue to try to keep abreast of what's going on & the best way to protest it/change it. Sad days.
Well said. Now we have to keep up our guard, and make sure that further liberties do not slip away.
All true....so incredibly sad, and frightening. I'm in mourning for America.
Well said Theresa. Community will become even more important now, both local and virtual. We need to stand strong and take care of one another.
Remember there are 33 senators and all of the House up for re-election in 2018. We need to be activitists!
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