While Sandy roared in the east, we've been chugging along here in the west. Lots of wine and beer has been savored and some great meals. Dogs have been cuddled or reprimanded as needed, cats catered too and donkey's spoiled with carrot treats. Of course once in a while we don't feel like going out. Instead we do something silly, like taste test boxed Mac & Cheese.
I don't know how it got to be on the menu, but Dad was for Kraft in the blue box and I stood for Annie's with the white cheddar. We had a throw down. Two pots, two brands handled exactly the same right down to separate spoons. No doubt Gene and my Mother think we're both crazy because let's face it, neither is stellar fare. Maybe you all think we're a little nuts too! ;) Anyway, along with taste and texture, cost and package weights were taken into account. The winner was Kraft. The prepackaged cheese whiz while neon orange was creamier and mildly cheesy, but what won the day for it was the use of elbow macaroni as opposed to twist pasta. It was also cheaper and you got a little more.
Now my favorite Annie's had better cheese taste, but the pasta is not well matched to the dish. In fact when I use it I usually toss the pasta, use elbows and add a little milk or sour cream to the mix, but none of those things was allowed since we adhered to strict testing guidelines! Served with salad and spinach and cherry ice cream for dessert, none of us went to bed hungry.
Gene had to fix the antenna set up on the radio repeater for the fire department and the window is pretty small for getting up to the Soda Mountain lookout area. at this time of year.
Once the snow really starts in and at their elevation, only a snowcat can make it into that area. Gene spent two hours on this pole Monday and hopefully the welding repairs will hold through the winter and beyond.
It was a lot of work but he had a beautiful day to do it and the view from there is spectacular.
Halloween has not been forgotten either and while we have no children that Trick or Treat through the rural areas of the Greensprings, I could not let one go by without sharing this bit of comedy. A tip of my chapeau to The Cat in the Hat, I give you Thing 1 and Thing 2 as parting shots.
BTW, these adorable costumes were custom made by this wonderful gal on etsy.