Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ride to Ruin!

And such that it was that I got sucked in (yet again) to the Lord of the Rings movies showing on TV on a Saturday afternoon.  Now I don't know about other riders but I can say that since the time I started to ride ( age 4) up until present day being on or around horses sparks the imagination. When I was MUCH younger my steady mount Russell patiently waited (and enjoyed standing- getting brushed is a lot less work) while I braided and combed and fluffed and literally played dress-up. I certainly didn't like dolls, but give me a horse and my imagination and we were princess and palfrey, Indian maiden and pony, jockey and derby contender. Rusty wore a lot of hats. Who says when you get into middle years you still can't use your imagination? As the saddle goes on the world of possibilities is just as open as it use to be. Don't think I don't amaze at all the glitter and sparkle young girls now have available for their trusty steeds! And some days we truly do ride to ruin in our own way. A nice long stretch of field or pine needle covered track, a click, a light kick and we're off, The horse asks the question, "Faster?" the answer is yes, give it all you got, find that last gear and we're flying.  A galloping horse will take your breath away.  Now my guys know it's not going to last long but they take full advantage and enjoy those few rides of abandon. The walk homeward for cooling usually finds them prancing, necks arching and wanting to go again having rediscovered the beauty and strength  in their own bodies. Asking and testing to see if I might relent again.
Yesterday I would have liked to ride but the chores had piled up and that sunny future day was yesterday. The morning was spent raking hay in the barn, cleaning and checking tack.
After that I stripped down to a t shirt and took the shedding blade up and worked on the 5 horses for a good hour and a half. By the time I finished it was almost 80 in the sun and too hot for an out of shape animal to be working in his clinging winter woolies. The cool mornings are best for that, we can condition without them getting too overheated. So in I came for a late lunch and some cold water and whoosh, there on the tube, I could at least get a little armchair riding in for the day. I do so like to look at those beautifully woven wool capes too!
Weaving wise, another prayer flag was completed, the saddle blanket moves slowly, but it does move. I was imagining how pretty it would look while I cleaned Cooper's saddle. Time to get it off the loom. Ride to Ruin indeed!

1 comment:

Life Looms Large said...

Horseback riding sounds so fun for you! (I've tried it and it's not quite as fun for me!) I love to hear your describe it!

It's funny, but I didn't connect your colorful purchases several posts ago with your prayer flags until the other day when I was out running. All of a sudden the thought popped into my head that you bought those materials for the flags. They're beautiful - and I love how you've adapted the idea of prayer flags to your life!

I'm waiting for when you put yours outside. Then maybe it will be the right time for me to put mine outside too!!
