In fact nothing is. I managed to pull a group of muscles in my neck and right shoulder, (tossing hay) and have been crabbing around here for the last few days, head held at a tilt, shoulder scrunched up and Advil on demand. Knitting seems to make it worse. A little weaving has happened though as the warps are all very narrow and no stretching is needed.

The white prayer flag warp was woven off and I'm very happy with the results. I like it!
They have not been finished with fringe or the bells added, but that goes quickly.
I also did some smaller single color prayer flags with just one prayer or thought on them, much like the typical string of flags you see.
I didn't have enough warp left to do a full set of 5, but another warp was prepared and is waiting for me to get the shorter raddle finished up before I can spread and beam on.
The pillowcase warp is one third of the way threaded. The shoulder & neck really put the kabosh on that. It's just enough reach to make it uncomfortable. Hopefully I will get back on it this weekend.
The green warp is almost ready to come off too, but has seen little action for the last two days. I need to get everything either off the loom or threaded and waiting since I leave for a second trip to Massachusetts on the 29th of April.
DH has been calling me "One Ton Shy Theresa" since it appears we have come up at least one ton shy of making it to this years first cutting. I'm down to my last 6 bales
and he is heading out Saturday to pick up two additional tons to get by until we line up the big haul sometime in June. We're all a little happy that these interim bales are 50-60 pounders. I've spent the winter wrestling and complaining about those 125
pounders and a lighter bales will be a nice change!
We've had two decent days up here, in a row. Hopefully I can get out this weekend with the camera and get something that closely resembles spring pictures. Think early spring....
Oh no that doesn't sound fun! Hubby and I dropped a 800 pound rock on my hand Monday so I do know your pain.
Love the flags!
So sorry for your neck & shoulder pain, hope it lets up soon.
Love seeing the crab progress - can't wait to see it finished!
Sorry to hear about your muscle strain....that really puts the brakes on lots of projects. BTW, I love your new picture on the header! Train your pets in the way they should go.......or something like that! HaHa!
Major bummer about your neck and shoulder. :( I'm taking note of your hay situation though, as this will be new to me after we get goats. Obviously calculating amount needed not an exact science!
The crab is going to be really neat. And the flags are great. Beautiful!
I hope your neck and shoulder heal quickly. I love the flags and your new weaving assistant is so cute. 125 bales huh.. wow that's alot to sling around.
Oh my goodness, aren't we a pair and a spare?! I've trashed my lower back lifting library tables and can't finish my daughter's birthday towels, though I know she won't lose any sleep over it. We've had two nice days in a row too, though it will change. Rest, ice, compression, elevation - don't know how you can do those all to a shoulder, but hope you're on the mend already.
Oh no, that sounds terrible. I hope your hand heals quickly. OUCH!
Cindie, ME TOO!
Leigh, No, it isn't. This was the first time I bought bigger bales and likely I used more than I needed at some points. It is also weather dependent. I mean I bump up the feed in cold or wet weather and drop down a bit in warmer or dry weather. We had a lot of cold wet weather this year.
Sharon, I hope your back comes along quickly and you can get back to those towels, but for now, enjoy the little bit of spring coming and just heal.
They are looking really lovely, I can't wait to see them strung :)
I hope you feel better soon!
The crab is precious! I'm glad I've got a moment to catch up and see him - I hope that I hear in more posts that you are feeling better!
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