Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Nose Knows

He may be old as dirt, blind as a bat and almost doorknob deaf but Dennett's regal nose has never failed him and yesterday morning was no exception. A masked bandit was on our front porch and the D man let me know by barking and spinning and doing his much loved propeller tail wag. To humor him I went out and took a peek and by gum, if that raccoon wasn't high tailing it down the nearest escape route to the woods. I saw his bulk and I saw his distinct tracks both coming and going on our front porch. Okay, there is still a good use for snow. Good dog Dennett! We spent most of our morning walk retracing the little devils route around our property. Like the Johnny Cash song, he had been everywhere. It was slow going, but I enjoyed every intent sniff almost as much as my partner.

I think it's time for a reading update. If you like a good beefy well written historical biography, Marie Antoinette: The Journey by Antonia Fraser is worth your time.
It took me almost two months to read it and I savored every chapter.

Next up on the read pile ( and saving for rereading too) is A Dog's Purpose by W. Bruce Cameron. This is a lovely, sweet and sentimental read. You will finish the last page feeling sad it's over but fulfilled and touched. Not since I read The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel by Garth Stein have I enjoyed a dog story so much. I'm picky about my animal stories too but these two belong up there with Black Beauty, Beautiful Joe and The Yearling. And folks if you haven't read Beautiful Joe by Margaret Marshall Saunders, you need too. In the past few years it has been reissued. I don't think it has ever gone out of print. I was read Joe's story by my grandmother as a child and reread it in high school and again, in adulthood.

Weather wise we may have turned the corner onto Spring street. It took me until Sunday to make it to town. It just kept snowing and snowing, but Sunday's snow was light and yesterday the sun actually appeared and stuck around for the majority of the day. Of course this morning it's lightly snowing...again.

The superfantastic black pants are done and I am pretty darn happy with them. They look and fit great. I made additional changes to the pattern as I went along and will keep them. Darts in the front instead of just tucks and the elastic starts at the side seams leaving the whole front smooth instead of at the tucks that are now darts in the front.

The pockets are in just the right place and I need to measure it and note on the pattern piece the placement. The hemming was done on the silk blouse thereby putting it in the done and wearable category. I like it but I don't love it. For silky fabrics I am still on the lookout for suitable patterns and next time I buy silk hopefully it won't be so tight in the yardage.

Parting shot: Three's a Crowd.


Anonymous said...

What a nose! Those racoons are certainly bold. The pants looks so good, I am getting increasingly interested in sewing again!

Valerie said...

Oh my gosh, I haven't thought about Beautiful Joe in years! I distinctly remember the cover on my copy (maybe it was a Scholastic books purchase?) The dog on the cover was a boxer whose left ear had a nip out of it which I interpreted as bitten off.

I just looked and neither of our local libraries has a copy :^(
I've avoided The Art of Racing in the Rain because it sounded so sad.

The slacks look lovely! Hang onto that as a master pattern. Good fitting slacks pattern are hard to come by!

LA said...

I love how the pups are leaning away from the kitty!!!! "Don't get your cooties on us!!!" Glad the pants pattern is a keeper! We all need a great pair of pants!

Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

Hope Dennitt got a special treat for sounding the alarm.
Those pants certainly compliment the blouse.I admire your patience. I'm a blue jeans kinda gal and men's shirts on top.
They all look so content in the chair although I wonder if kittie would like the spot for herself.
Susan x

Unknown said...

Thanks for the great book recommendations!

Hilary said...

I loved loved loved A Dog's Purpose.
I agree, it is a must read.

Sharon said...

Those pants and top look great together. I liked your sewing so much I kinda got pulled from my goals. In training for fun runs, the conventional wisdom was, "Don't let someone pull into running their race," i.e., you train and run your own best. I'm afraid I was running your race :)

Thanks for the book suggestions!

Judy said...

Way to go Dennett!! He looks like quite a character with a lot of charm.

You are doing such a wonderful job of tailoring your clothes. I did some clothes sewing years ago, but the tailoring part was so challenging :-( You have a gift for pairing fabrics with the pattern and then fitting it for your form. That must be quite nice, to put on your newly created clothes!