Part of it was timing, part of it was puppy and part of it was simply I am not terribly fond of 20/2 natural white cotton. It stuck to itself, it was hard to get apart, it blended in with the white texsolv heddles and made me squint the whole time I was sleying.
I am doing treadle tie-ups now, 3 done 7 more to go.
It would have all been done but my newest helper decided to come in and lend a paw. When I started Stella was no where in sight, on my second treadle she had discovered I was sitting on the floor and felt that my cross legged lap was the perfect place to tuck in for her nap.

I got through treadle three that way and just gave into the force of the alluring puppy. People may be snake charmers but puppies are people charmers.
Also, after a week and a half of taunting, I have assembled a new to me Harrisville Warping Reel. I have wanted one of these for a while and when Dawn had a used one for sale, I jumped on it.
Horrible picture BTW, we're cramped in my studio since that is where the old couch has been hanging out while I finish up cleaning the basement. All we need do now is muster the strength of Hercules to move it down there for storage.
Hannah the Hollandia has a new warp picked out and just about ready to be wound. Nothing earth shattering, just getting back to the animal shelter auction scarves. The Julia loom has a prayer flag warp beamed on and some threading. It is not a wide warp and I'm looking at some quiet and cooler time this weekend to get it ready for weaving.
It's been hot and dusty around the farm. I spent yesterday morning attacking thistle with the tractor. Literally scrapping it out. Every morning between 4:30 and 5:00 has been spent on Bearwatch ( like Baywatch, but no girls, beach or life guards). We certainly have a fair amount of wild life. The deer can be heard nipping shrubs and munching, one morning a skunk rolled right by the front steps, another a fox trotted up the driveway. Things too small to see rustle around, attracting cats and owls. Sylvie's bell rings out as she leads the flock around the paddock. The horses like to run and play. I can hear them as they race along well worn paths, occasionally striking a rock or branch. Snorting, likely nipping each other and then a minute or two later, they all race off again. I know when the early bird gets up and starts his day. No bold cock's crow here. Just a little twitter, half a stanza. "I'm here, I'm here!" and then an answer, "Me too, me too." and on it goes, the little voices growing louder and more numerous pushing the night into retreat. The dawn is filled with a hundred songs of welcome and gratitude.
No bear though. I keep hoping the surprise of those round pen panels crashing down on him did the trick and scared him off. Fingers crossed and hopefully NOT my warp!
That pillow case warp is amazing! I can't wait until you start weaving. We'll be hearing about more bear visitations the closer we get to Fall, I'm afraid. I love the morning sounds...all the creatures have a lot to say!
So fun to follow.I wish I could help.
I can hardly wait to see your pillowcase fabric as you start to weave. It sounds like you have gotten some good weaving time this week, plus some good puppy time. What a good combination!
Your pillow case fabric on a floor loom and my rags on a floor loom are like Spanish and Dutch. How is that we both use the same equipment? Isn't that the fun of it?! I think Stella has earned a gold star, for being Stella.
I can hardly wait to see my pillow cases too! Sharon, isn't weaving wonderful in its diversity. Something for everyone to like and enjoy.
LA, may your local bear problems be slight come fall.
Thanks for the scoop on Bartlett Yarn's open house. I'll look into going, although I think they're pretty far north. (Free samples would be fabulous!! But even without them it would be very cool!)
Did you know that Harrisville will do spinning mill tours for small groups? Next time you're here, we should set that up. I think they'll even do it for a handful of people, and I'm sure we could put that together!!
I know you're done putting this warp on, but it reminds me of the towels on my Toika. I spent too much of February dressing the loom in grey cottolin. Even though I know I'll love the result, something about that slushy color just didn't sit right with me!
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