It is certainly spring in Oregon, a very short one too in which every single bush,tree and wildflower is showing it's stuff. The hills in the valley are purple with vetch and lupins and I mean purple rides over the green like a bright haze. The wild roses are blooming along Highway 66, the dogwoods are putting on their show and very nice up here glowing in the sea of dense evergreens. Wild lilies, trillium and something that looks like Solomon's Seal is blooming, even the Oregon Grape is putting on a bright yellow show. Wild strawberries are peeking out here and there too. Here is some of it.
On other news, the windows have arrived!!! Now, we just need to get them in. I want to move the Murphy Loom out there once it's been enclosed. I can't think of anything more relaxing than watching the season's offerings while weaving on my much loved Murphy.
I have rescheduled my trip. Gene is doing really well, up and active but still on some Advil when his back gets tired. I'm heading to MA on June 2nd so things have gone back to hyper speed. Smoochie, Dennett and Miss Bea have all been victims of my less than impressive summer clip job, but they are cool and clean and don't know that I would flunk out of any grooming competition in heartbeat. Gene even got a summer clip. Heads are easier than wiggly dogs and certainly than kicking bleating goats!
I have two prayer flags woven on the warp and a few more to do. I might have time today to finish the weaving. Not sure how it will go.
Over Memorial day weekend I had time to put a few rides on the various steeds and had a wonderful time on all. Such a good group of horses. I marvel at their talents and kindness. Nick I took on a walk, like I did when he was a baby. We leave on a lead rope and once past the farm proper I let him off leash so to speak. He can graze while I walk and always follows. In fact if I get out of sight he comes racing to where I am and usually gets a treat for his efforts. None of my horses are as tuned in to me being lead mare as he is. Out on a trail Cooper will stay close but around home, that wise old bird knows just where he is and if the grass is good I can walk alone. ;-)
The sock has come along slowly, but the heel turn has been done and now we're knitting towards the toe. I am loving this yarn.
These are also for my Dad but another pair will be started in a different color for my Mom and she too has requested a cashmere scarf! Once the flags are off when I'm back, Ill do up some wonderful confection for her. I have cashmere on order already.
Lest you think I have dropped the ball on shopping, I haven't! I did miss the great sale at Web-sters due to Gene's injury but found some interesting cotton ribbon yarn when I poked through the store yesterday.
Filatura Di Crosa Malva 85% cotton and 15% polymide. I can see this woven up as a couple of colorful summer wraps. The colors sucked me right in. I love that they run in a linear fashion instead of a variegated way.