Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Silly Diversions

Well, we have been weaving and walking and weaving some more, but a funny diversion was in order. I leave you with some stuff from my silliness list!

Snowball Fight

and a new one that has made the list

Even though these are commercial endeavors, I hope everyone gets a chuckle out of at least one of them! :-)


Life Looms Large said...

OK - you've got me watching beer commercials on YouTube and finding them touching.

And the Pedigree one is hilarious!

But I really should be playing with yarn!


Theresa said...

You know Sue, in Merrimack NH has a Bud plant and they use to house the New England team of Clydesdales. In my youth I referred to this as mecca-beautiful horses and cheap beer.
The Eastern States Exposition is another good heavy horse viewing place and has lots of other fun stuff.

Sharon said...

I've been to the St. Louis plant and wish I liked Bud, because I love their commercials.