I know through the holiday season it always seems like there is more need and likely there is, but it doesn't stop after the first of the year. Frankly it pisses me off that a couple of the supermarkets locally only have donation slips by the register at this time of year. The one I regularly shop at has them available ALL year long and I give weekly. Giving isn't just monetary, it's a kindness, a helping hand, a ride, an errand, generosity with a smile, a joke, a few words of sympathy or a hug. It doesn't have to be hard or costly and I swear, it'll will make you feel better, I promise. The ability to be able to give something is a blessing in itself, it would seem selfish to withhold such small gestures in times of need and truly irk the gods and goddesses of the world too! :-)
So, we had an uneventful Thanksgiving. Bundled up my Mom and took her out. She finished in under an hour and wanted to get back to her room at the health center. Sigh, while I didn't have leftovers I saved myself the aggravation that cooking a turkey and all the fixings would have caused for such a short meal attention span. Plus the food was darn good at Larks this year in Medford. Miss Mandy and the crew must have a small canine olympics because when we got home you could see she had tweeked her neck /back again. Bed rest and medications began. Yesterday was the first day she started to unkink, but it will take time.
For those that have been waiting, the Wiksten Kimono is DONE and yes, I like it quite a lot.
My first run through is made of a fairly full bodied Japanese linen/cotton blend.
Something drapier might have been nice too. The next one....
I loved the construction. It's pretty clever and easy and with the lining (fine dark brown linen), fully finished! Yeah!!! Instructions good. I do think the small shoulder slant and such make a bit of fitting difference and the sleeve is much more like a regular jacket than a kimono in volume.
I rather miss the traditional kimono sleeve. I might grade this out to be wider next go round.
The last of the cut skirts was finished too. I went down 3 sizes from my first go round and finally have a well fitting one.
The wool blend on this is soft and warm and quite comfortable. This proved to be the perfect Small Business Saturday outfit. (I wouldn't be caught dead out on Black Friday!) The kimono made it out for Thanksgiving too.
I wanted to share a perfectly weird and wonderful little thing a friend gave me. Isn't that so imaginative? You did catch the fox connection no doubt.
This is move week. My mom gets into her new apartment on Friday. I will be there early in the morning directing the movers. Oh joy....at least we have her in before December. It will be a long day.
Well, it was Mississippi after all........
The song for today, is one on my moving day playlist by Boston, a band near and dear to my heart!
Parting shot: The powder room escorts. It's like teens all going to the ladies room en mass...no smoking though!
We are Back!
9 hours ago
Throwing out the first comment. I really did call him a mango Mussolini!
I may have to have that printed on a t-shirt. The bastard. I do L.O.V.E. that kimono! The fabric is terrific. Poor little Mandy. I do think they get a little over-zealous when not under our watchful eyes. Every time Binkie the Pat has injured his back, it was behind mine. Good luck with your mother's move - I hope it goes without a hitch. Boston will help!
Breathe. Drink tea. And/or wine and/or the beverage of your choice. When it's done, take a long, hot bath with lavender & epsom salts. And maybe even bubbles. Even if the teenagers insist on sitting in the room with you.
Sending hugs to you and pets to the pups.
The midterms and today's developments re Manafort give me a glimmer of hope in this ongoing anti-American, anti-humanity nightmare. We can still hope that the mango Mussolini gets to 'enjoy' the rest of his days wearing an appropriately orange jumpsuit.
Michelle, I remain hopeful that at least some of the royal family will get their orange is the new black jumpsuits...
Peg, Saturday I'm treating myself to lunch with a best friend and her great kids!
Susan, I always feel like I'm disparaging mangos though....Are you knitting little ear flaps yet to keep the Binkie's bald ears toasty?
Know what you mean about all the cooking! I made a ton, and it was over before I knew it. Pretty tasty though. I smoked a prime rib, and we had cheesy scalloped potatoes, and a green bean dish not related to that ghastly one with the cream of whatever soup. I can't stand the stuff, and apologies to all y'all whose very favorite that is. I'll save you mine.
That will be nice to get your mom settled. I hope she likes the new digs.
You're polite. I call him the Orange Turd. :)
I hope Mandy feels better. Poor dear.
Leigh, I'm not a fan of many green bean dishes, I do like spinach though!
Should I substitute something else other than turd I wonder? ;-)
Yes, every day should be a giving day, but greed is in the air everywhere I go. Maybe I should change where I go? It's depressing. Thanksgiving was 2 days of cooking, 10 minutes of eating, and fortunately 2 days of not cooking and eating leftovers. I am trying to figure out if it is worth it, but my husband enjoys it so much, it probably is. I love your Wiksten! And I much appreciate your review. Hope the pup is much better soon!
I agree on donating all year long, not just at the holidays. I donate to my local food bank all year but it would be so much easier if it could be done at the grocery store than me remembering to drop a check in the mail or at their facility.
Love the kimono - that print is great.
I've always said you're never alone as long as there are small children or dogs!!! (Especially if you go to the bathroom!!!!) Sorry that Mandy tweeked her neck again! But, it's so much fun running around when Mom and Dad are not at home! Your kimono looks great--perfect fabric choice. I hope that moving day goes smoothly.
Pets for Miss Mandy, hope she is feeling much better. The escort crew says they love to smoke in the boys room! Ha! Just kidding.
Sorry your Thanksgiving meal was short lived, but at least you did not have to do the dishes!
Love the new kimono, great fabric choice.
Pets for the crew!
I look forward to a time when I am no longer so angry at the people elected to run our country. It's not good for my mental health and I know it but can't seem to stop listening to the radio and reading the newspapers.
I just love that comment---Mango Mussolini!
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