The pillow case warp is progressing nicely. So far I am very happy with it and getting excited about having it off the loom and on actual pillows. Of course there is a whole heap-o-weaving that must go on before that happens. I will say I always thought black was hard to photograph, but white on white is just as challenging.
I hope I find a better light/way to capture it because I am seriously thinking about doing nothing but experimenting with white on white or natural on white for a little while.
I would love to do some overshot in a subtle white with cream patterning. But those are future ideas. Right now I have got to get a scarf warp on Hannah and get started with her. The cool days have coaxed me outside to do horsey things. The Julia loom is all ready for weaving and I have but to get the silk writing finished and into strips.

On farm news, still no bear, but I am still enjoying my bear watch. The last few mornings have been cool, breezy and very dark. I see shooting stars regularly and I know the Perseids are peaking but for me the wind has been the magic . Wind in fir trees sounds different than wind in hardwoods. Where maples rustle the conifers bend and sigh. The wind can be high in the tree tops or low enough to blow my hair around. There is utter silence when every little breeze has moved on and it starts up again as a single flow and then others of different speeds and pitch join in. It is one of the Earths most beautiful and ancient music and I have been captivated by it.
Of course some of those trees won't be making any more music, they've been transformed into a small back deck. Gene has been busy building a 10'x10' deck off the back door. Something we really needed as the first step was a killer and has been for 10 years. The supporting structure is up and only the decking need be installed, which came home yesterday. Maybe today it will be finished!
This weekend I need to start my spate of house painting. This time around will be upstairs hallways. New wall paint and trim to be done. And look, I've got at least one eager little volunteer!
I know for a fact that Stella's little tail can be used (and probably will be!) as a paint brush! I had lots of help the last time I had painting done, and Sass wore it for quite a while! We had some wind here last night....but also some thunder and lightning. It was awesome!
LOL, no doubt! Seriously, Stella has a substantial tail. Thick, fatty and shaped like a perfect carrot. I had thought when they docked it it was left too long, but I think it's going to be just perfect, both for painting and as a ready "handle". ;)
I can see the subtle white on white pattern - it's lovely. Some of my favorites towels have been white on white.
I'm sure Stella will be a huge help with painting.....hmm, little footprints all over the house.......
I love what you're doing for your pillowcases! It sounds like you have several great projects going on at your place. Painting is one of those jobs that is tough and messy, but so rewarding to see when you are done. I painted our kitchen last summer and it was tough going around everything...but now it is a soft yellow which makes me smile every time I walk in.
Great photo of Stella-what a character!
Your pillow cases look great! I am looking forward to seeing them all done.
I just now read you have Pygoras! I recently bought my first Nigora and I am looking forward to spinning her wool. She is such a sweet thing!
I'm living vicariously through your weaving!! Love the white on white it always looks so crisp and summery to me. Stella look like she can help you with just about anything, such an inquitistive face.
I'm loving your white on white, too! It's so elegant. You know, I really love the stenciling on your bedroom and bathroom floors. What about just letting Stella (and whomever else would like to help) just prance over the floor with paint on their cute little paws? Easy upscale decorating! Just sayin.
We are all looking forward to the pillowcases! The weaving looks beautiful.
The pillowcases are lovely and came through the photos just fine. You two are tackling major pre-winter projects just now. Good thing Stella is willing to lend a hand, er paw.
I agree about the pillow cases and have thought about experimenting with white variations (or any color for that matter). I love the subtle effect from these.
Stella has such hopeful eyes. What a cutie!
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